How to treat shortness of breath
How to treat shortness of breath Shortness of breath and the sensation of not being able to get enough air can be a very frightening. Dyspnea (the medical terminology) manifests as gasping, difficulty breathing, a tightening in the chest and a feeling of suffocation. Understanding shortness of breath Breathlessness and gasping are triggered when an irritant – cold or dry air, smoke, pollen, or dust which adversely affects the airways. Additionally, stress, oscillations in the hormone profile, and anger also trigger an attack. Breathing difficulty occurs because the bronchi which allow oxygen into the lungs go into a spasm. The condition is also associated with coughing and tightness in the chest. Severe episodes where there is wheezing, air hunger and chest pain can be alarmingly scary. Heavy-duty exercise, extreme temperatures, very high altitude and obesity are known to set off shortness of breath in a healthy person. Except for these, if you experience breathlessness, it is us...